Friday, September 17, 2010

Kayaking Bowron Lakes in one day!

Out of the car, greeted the cool morning air. The silence is broken when the mosquitoes swarm size helicopter my tired body. And 3:30 'clock and Paul Hardy and I are working on an epic journey through the Bowron Lakes. 108 km of pristine lakes, rivers and canals, which are divided by 8 km of portage trails. This famous chain is a favorite for canoeists, and places that appear in an uncontaminated environment in animals spontaneously as soon disappears.

With aladen canoe, this arduous journey can take 5-10 days. However, we were only passing through. Paul Black Marlin surf ski and my K-1 kayak instead of inertia. After filling the last night's leftover pizza, we reached the road. Clock at 4:30, we crept past the ranger station and the portage trail 2.4 miles around Lake Kibe. Adrenaline pumped through my body as we approach the water. He was calm, clear and a layer of fog rested on its mysterious surface. SOCOOL! The first two lakes appears briefly and 6.4 km to 2.4 km or so will be spent in the early hours of walking more than for children. And 'behind the second largest lake, where we will be greeted by a pair just waking up. They had seen the Bowron Lakes in the Internet and had traveled from Switzerland for the holidays in this beautiful part of the world. After a brief chat, we sat with a big Isaac Portage Lake. Isaac Lake is the longest chain is about 38 km away and offers paddlers withmany beaches in stock. We used to stop these areas, a snack and enjoy some 'spectacular mountain scenery. As we rounded the West Arm Lake Isaac to the main branch, has surprised the bald eagle has a breakfast of salmon. The size of the cut has been incredible, and suddenly raised his meal to the next level. The attempt, my ass was not difficult to fall asleep on that long lake, and I was pleased in the end, where we enjoyed lunch sweating away. The picnic areawas with a group of Scouts who interrogated us about our high tech equipment and made a big WOW to prove a busy day. Their jaws dropped as we pulled out the cheese, meat and baguettes, which we quickly devoured like vultures, along with cans of Coca-Cola.

The July sun heats shirtless back, as the rapids down the river Isaac. It 'was here that two mandatory portage brought us to some impressive waterfalls. Once you reach the take first, we faced someready to have their big canoe portage 20-70 liter packs and additional equipment. I will never forget the look on his face when I stepped out of my boat, he carried on the shoulders and cross the bank. My jaw was, "Young people are safe, go light! Paul and I replied with a smile, "Yep." Well, what else can you say!

We must therefore attached to the brown Mc Leary Cariboo lake and the river, where water once turned a blue-green slime. The bonus, however, was 10 km of running watermade to us by Lanezi Lake. It was as if we had a long way to go, and we could, but the sunny weather held up our mood. Unfortunately, everything had changed! How we met Lanezi lake, we were greeted with 2 1/2-foot chop and a 20 km against the wind. The clouds and thunder boomed quickly rolled through the valley. Thank God it was not a flash, but sure, we paddled close to the coast be. Our mood was crushed, as the rain fell hard and then harder. We arrived fiveGroups who had retired and taken refuge on shore. We have provided a friendly gesture, pressed as we merciless on those conditions. The success came only after two hours as the rain stopped and we decided to take a break. Approaching the bank surprised that we are part of a moose standing in water.

He tried to camouflage itself allows us to have a perfect view of this strange but beautiful creature. AMAZING! We would like to see four more elk until the end of each trip andwas impressive. After the bank, Paul started a fire, and we dried our things while we filling up huge chunks of white chocolate, Purdy's. Training at Portage Lake, we made the last out of sight Skoi Lake. We had to drive 25 km and we were pumped to completion, but we were both levels, tired and had to dig deep inside to put pressure on. The last section before the conclusion of Bowron Lake is an oxbow lake, which zigzags for what seems an eternity before spitting with 8 km to go. ItIt was this murky area where we saw a baby moose, and for a moment it seemed as curious about us when we were on it. Since it ran away out of sight, we crossed the Bowron lake banks. As we crawled out of our boats, we made it clear that we really had to go 2 km, the road to retrieve the car. With the encouragement that the beer was cold in the trunk, I agreed to retrieve the car. A rosy color was Bowron Lake, we made a last attempt to increase our bottlestoast.YES!

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